How much money can you make with a site like ours?

How much money could you make using our software, to run a site like ours?

WP Questions is a tiny site. It only has 2,547 members. There are other forums on the web that have 50,000 or 100,000 or 250,000 people. Compared to all of the other WordPress forums out there, WP Questions is very small. And yet, it made about $2,000 during its first year.

Darren and Chris and I have all been busy with other projects, but I imagine with time we will grow WP Questions into a big site. If we can make $2,000 a year with less than 2,500 members, I imagine the site will bring in $50,000 a year, once it has 100,000 people.

You can join our beta program and sign up for your own site. We charge 2% of what you

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make, but you face no up front costs. We only make money when you do, so we have every reason to support you and promote you.

Do you have an idea for a site? We suspect that if you grow it large enough, you could make quite a bit of money on it.

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some serious money.

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4 Responses to How much money can you make with a site like ours?

  1. Sarbartha says:

    Lovely quote “We only make money when you do, so we have every reason to support you and promote you.” need your attention..

  2. Lawrence Krubner says:

    Sarbartha, I am very sorry that I am so slow to respond! I will devote some time to this weekend.

  3. Pingback: Tailor Made Answers - questions and answers

  4. Pingback: How to set up your site | Tailor Made Answers

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